Monday, April 4, 2011

wall framing

Read plan and organise the measurement with timber and tools
timber - H1.2(Top Plates)  H3.1(Bottom plates)  studs and nogs (H1.2)
before putting the top and bottom plates together double check the measurement before cutting the timbers.  After the timbers been cut nil them together with square cut, use the steel nails to nails them together. Also use the 3,4,5 method to secured the top plate and bottom plate and have them square . Use the string line method to mark the nogs and measure the line do not have any movement at all time while you marking the nogs.
Nog-a block of wood, as one inserted into brickwork to provide a hold for nails.

Floor Farming

  • Set out profile
  • Find datum point
  • Set up dumpy level 
  • Set up the batter board to the bottom of marks.
  • Set out the string line for ground plates.

1 comment:

  1. What is the job of the members eg. Nogs are to stop movement in studs and for bracing.
    What do we use braces for?
    Expand a little bit more please. Oh and what type nails did we use.
